On December 5, 2018, PONG partnered with the Project on Nuclear Issues at the Center for Strategic and International Studies to play SIGNAL, a turn-based, three-team game designed to study conflict escalation and the strategic stability of nations in an artificial world.
This event was held in conjunction with the PONI Winter Conference on December 4, 2018, at CSIS. The SIGNAL workshop was hosted as a priority session for current members and alums from the PONI Nuclear Scholars Initiative, Mid-Career Cadre, and Conference Series.
With SIGNAL, players control the fate of their nation through economic, military, and diplomatic actions, and compete to expand their nation’s infrastructure and influence while minimizing loss of territory. Players may choose to negotiate peace between each other or commit their actions and risk the outbreak of nuclear war.
In addition to playing the game, the workshop featured presentations and discussions on cross-domain interactions and the future of wargaming. The workshop also provided an opportunity for PONI participants and gaming scholars to network across initiatives and classes.